日立ソリューションズ、Workato Breakout Partner of the Year-Japanを受賞

日立ソリューションズは、2023年3月14日に開催されたWorkato社の「Partner Kick Off 2023」において、「Breakout Partner of the Year-Japan」を受賞しました。

Breakout Partner of the Year-Japan アワードロゴ

日立ソリューションズがハイパーオートメーションのリーディングカンパニーとしてRPA向けのWorkatoコネクタを開発し、顧客に真のハイパーオートメーションを提供していることや、製造業向けのマーケティング活動、大規模なAPI連携活用事例の創出、といった活動が評価され、Breakout Partner of the Year-Japanの受賞にいたりました。



I want to congratulate HISOL for winning the Workato Breakout Partner of the Year for Japan.This award is a reflection to the limitless potential and depth of the Workato platform allowing partners to bring new and creative solutions to the market.HISOL is no exception.HISOL is a thought leader in the Japanese market for hyper automation concepts and they have recognized the need to widen the scope and goals around today’s process automation and transformation projects.HISOL took the initiative and developed Workato connectors to all of the leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) vendors in the space such as Automation Anywhere, UiPath and WinActor to offer their customers a true hyper-automation solution.HISOL’s creativity and foresight didn't just stop there, also this year they built solutions focused for the manufacturing industry spearheaded by API connectivity.Finally, in the spirt of a true Breakout Partner as they have also launched go to market activities around Workato’s Embedded Platform.We are truly excited to see how HISOL continues to develop and accelerate their Workato practice.

Eric Berkman(SVP of WW Channel Sales)


  • Workato



RPA業務自動化ソリューション コンテンツ一覧

